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This interactive training program allows students to learn solderingtheory at their own pace…while automating evaluation and testingdocumentation per ISO requirements. Pretesting, Section ReviewQuestions, and a Final Certification Test insure that your studentsunderstand and retain the required background knowledge before theybegin hands-on training. CD-42/43C explains proper workstationpractices, personal safety considerations, ESD prevention, solderingiron types, temperature selection, tip types and applications, heattransfer principles, how to avoid thermal damage, solder types, sizesand applications, flux theory, low residue fluxes, wetting principles,soldering through-hole components onto printed circuit boards, tiptinning, tool maintenance, reheating solder, heat sinks / thermalshunts, soldering thick boards, preheating, cleaning flux residues andsolder joint acceptance requirements from IPC-A-610C / J-STD-001C.Contains approximately 45 minutes of micro/action video and 3D animation(from VT-42/43C), and includes a printable certificate for operatorswith a passing grade on the Training Certification Test. Approximately90 minutes total training time, or 0.15 CEUs. To order online, clickhere.
Product Details
- Published:
- 06/01/2002